The Varied Forms, Potency, and Health Effects of Today’s Cannabis: Key Information for Prevention Practitioners to Share with Key Stakeholders and Communities
The PTTC Network Marijuana Risk Work Group has created two slide banks for prevention professionals to use in their marijuana prevention and education work in their communities.
This slide bank provides a focus on the various forms of marijuana products, the trend in potencies, and current research around health impacts. The goal of this tool is to provide prevention providers with a researched and vetted tool they can feel confident in using in their marijuana prevention presentations.
You can provide this slide bank as a stand-alone presentation or integrate it into a presentation including local data, trends, and strategies for marijuana prevention. Please do not alter any of the slides. If you need additional information please contact the PTTC serving your region.
You may want to use this slide bank in conjunction with the slide bank on marijuana pharmacology and effects on the brain.
View "Marijuana and The Brain"