Alcohol: Research & Resources

Please click on links below for more information

National Research & Resources:


Risky Drinking Can Put a Chill on Your Summer Fun, (Factsheet). NIAAA, June 2022. Spanish

Alcohol Use: Facts and Resources, (Face Sheet). SAMHSA, 2019.

Alcohol's Effect on Health, (Website). NIH NIAAA, 2021.

Alcohol and Public Health, (Website). CDC, 2021.

Risky Drinking Documentary, (Documentary). NIAAA/HBO, April 2017.

NIAA Short Takes Video Series on the meaning of commonly used - but often misunderstood - alcohol terms, (Videos). NIH NIAAA, December 2021.

There Has Always Been Drinking in America: Alcohol, History, Culture, and What it all Means for Prevention, (Recorded Webinar). Northwest PTTC, April 2022.

Alcohol is STILL a Drug: An Exploratory Webinar Series, (Recorded Webinar). Great Lakes PTTC, April 2022.

Alcohol Awareness Card, (Downloadable/Printable Wallet Size Card). Great Lakes PTTC, July 2019.

2023 Alcohol Awareness Toolkit: #ProofIsInTheNumbers, (Toolkit). Northwest PTTC, April 2021.

State Performance and Best Practices for the Prevention and Reduction of Underage Drinking, (Document). SAMHSA, 2020


Awareness of Alcohol as a Carcinogen and Support for Alcohol Control Policies, (Article). American Journal of Preventative Medicine, February 2022.

Deaths and Years of Potential Life Lost from Excessive Alcohol Use - United States, 2011-2015, (Weekly Report). CDC, July 2020.

Alcohol Alert: Preventing Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism - An Update, (Publication). NIH NIAAA,


Developing Brain and Alcohol Use

Alcohol and Cannabis Use and the Developing Brain, (Article). NIH NIAAA, September 2021.


Women and Alcohol Use/Misuse

Women and Alcohol (Volume 40 Issue 2), (Webpage). Alcohol Research Current Reviews, April 2021.

Helping Girls and Young Women Stay Healthy by Avoiding Alcohol, (Flyer). SAMHSA, July 2022.


Alcohol Regulation

Shaping the Alcohol Policy Environment: Past, Present and Future - Part 1, (Webinar). Southeast PTTC, November 2020.

Shaping the Alcohol Policy Environment: Past, Present and Future - Part 2, (Webinar). Southeast PTTC, November 2020.

Unraveling the Mystery of U.S. Alcohol Regulations, (Recorded Webinar). Pacific Southwest PTTC, December 2021.

Preventing Underage Drinking and Excessive Drinking among Adults through Alcohol Policy, (Webinar Series). Pacific Southwest PTTC, January-March 2023

  • Webinar 1: The Why - Alcohol Policy: A Community Approach to Reduce Community Harms
  • Webinar 2: The What - Evidence-Based Alcohol Policies to Reduce Community Level Harms
  • Webinar 3: The How - A Proven and Practical Model to Guide the Development of Local Alcohol Policies

Supersized Alcopops: What Can Localities Do About Alcohol Products that are Attractive and Dangerous to Youth?, (Webinar). Southeast PTTC, December 2022

Implementing Community-Level Policies to Prevent Alcohol Misuse, (Guide). SAMHSA, November 2022

Connecting Alcohol Policy Strategies to a Comprehensive Prevention Approach, (Webinar Series). South Southwest PTTC, October 2022

Harnessing Community Organizing to Enact Alcohol Policies, (Webinar). Great Lakes PTTC, October 2022

Resources about Alcohol Use During COVID-19 Pandemic

Alcohol Use Behavior, Policy, and Treatment in the Age of COVID-19, (Webinar). National Coordinating Office PTTC, September 2020.

Fact Sheet: Alcohol Use and Abuse During COVID-19, (Fact Sheet). National Hispanic & Latino ATTC, May 2020.

Direct to Consumer Alcohol Sales in the Era of COVID-19: Enforcement and Policy Challenges, (Webinar). New England PTTC, October 2020.


Alcohol Use and Mental Health

Girls and Women: Substance Misuse Trends and Prevention Strategies, (Recorded Webinar). Great Lakes PTTC, August 2022


Underage Drinking Prevention Resources for.... 

Resources for Teens/Adolescents

Talk. They Hear You. (Campaign). SAMHSA, February 2021.

Getting Candid: Framing the Conversation Around Youth Substance Use Prevention, (Toolkit). National Council for Mental Wellbeing, March 2022.

Helping Girls and Young Women Stay Healthy by Avoiding Alcohol, (Flyer). SAMHSA, July 2022.

Be Prepared to Have the Difficult Conversation, (Flyer). SAMHSA, January 2022. Spanish Version

Underage Drinking: Myths vs. Facts, (Fact Sheet). SAMHSA, April 2021.

Facts on Underage Drinking, (Fact Sheet). SAMHSA, April 2021.

Tips for Teens: The Truth About Alcohol, (Fact Sheet). SAMHSA, April 2021. Spanish Version

Underage Drinking, (Webpage). NIH NIAAA, May 2021. Spanish Version

Preventing Underage Alcohol Use:

NIAAA for Middle School, (Webpage). NIH NIAAA, 2023.

Resources for Teachers

Talk. They Hear You: What Educators Can Do to Help Prevent Underage Drinking and Other Drug Use, (Factsheet). SAMHSA, June 2019.

Parents and Educators: Science-based information about drug use, health, and the developing brain, (Website). NIH National Institute on Drug Abuse, 2022.

Alcohol FX, (Mobile App). SAMHSA, September 2018. (For 5th and 6th grade teachers. For use on tablets, only.)

Protect Your Brain: An Education Campaign for High School and Middle School Students, (Campaign). Addiction Policy Forum, February 2022.

7 Things Teachers Can Do to Prevent Addiction, (Video). Opioid Prevention Campaign, 2022.

Resources for Parents

Talk. They Hear You: Parent Resources, substance use prevention campaign helps parents and caregivers start talking to their children early about the dangers of alcohol and other drugs.

Parents and Educators: Science-based information about drug use, health, and the developing brain, (Website). NIH National Institute on Drug Abuse, 2022.

Getting Ahead of a Problem, (Flyer). SAMHSA, January 2022. Spanish Version

Make a Difference: Talk to Your Child About Alcohol, (Booklet).NIH NIAAA May 2021. Spanish Version

Parents - Talk with Your High School Grads About Celebrating Safely, (Webpage). NIH NIAAA, October 2020.

Parenting to Prevent Childhood Alcohol Use, (Webpage). NIH NIAAA, May 2021. Spanish Version

12 Things Parents Can Do to Prevent Addiction (Campaign & Toolkit). Opioid Prevention Campaign, 2022.

After High School: Talking With Your Young Adult About Underage Drinking, (Fact Sheet). SAMHSA, March 2021. Spanish Version

Talking With Your College-Bound Young Adult About Alcohol, (Document and Video). SAMHSA, September 2018.

College Drinking

Fall Semester - A Time for Parents to Discuss the Risks of College Drinking, (Factsheet). NIH NIAAA, August 2022.

Prevention with Purpose: A Strategic Planning Guide for Preventing Drug Misuse Among College Students, (Guide for Prevention Professionals on College and University Campuses). Campus Drug, January 2020.

Facts on College Student Drinking, (Factsheet). SAMHSA, April 2021.

Prevent Unsafe Drinking Behaviors on Campus, (Flyer). SAMHSA, January 2022.

College Drinking, (Webpage). NIH NIAAA, October 2021. Spanish Version

College Drinking: Changing the Culture, (Website). NIH NIAAA, 2021.

College Aim: Alcohol Intervention Matrix, (Booklet). NIH NIAAA, 2019.

College Drinking: Prevention Perspectives "Embracing Culture and Context to Prevent Underage Drinking", (Discussion Guide). SAMHSA, 2021

College Drinking: Prevention Perspectives "Lessons Learned at Frostburg State University", (Discussion Guide). SAMHSA, 2021

The Guide to the Eight Professional Competencies for Higher Education Substance Misuse Prevention, (PDF). Mid-America PTTC, October 2022.


Resources for Women

Alcohol and Women: When Equal is Not Better, (Recorded Webinar). Pacific Southwest PTTC, April 2023




HHS Region 8 (CO, MT, ND, SD, UT, WY) Resources:Map

Region 8 Resources: 

Behavioral Health Barometer: Region 8 Volume 5, (Document). SAMHSA, August 2019.

Annual Report: Excessive Drinking, (Website with state specific data). America's Health Rankings United Health Foundation, 2020.



Excessive Alcohol Use Prevention and Data, (webpage). Colorado Dept. of Public Health & Environment, 2021.

Underage Drinking State Profile: Colorado, (Webpage). NIH NIAAA Alcohol Policy Information System, 2021.

Strategic Plan for Primary Prevention of Substance Abuse, (Document). Colorado Health Institute & Colorado Office of Behavioral Health, 2019.

Youth Substance Use Prevention, (Webpage). Denver Public Health, 2021.

Colorado State Report: Underage Drinking Prevention and Enforcement Data, (Document). SAMHSA, 2021

Impaired Driving- Never Drive Under the Influence, (Campaign). Colorado Department of Transportation, 2022



Montana State Report: Underage Drinking Prevention and Enforcement Data, (Document). SAMHSA, 2021

Underage Drinking State Profile: Montana, (Webpage). NIH NIAAA Alcohol Policy Information System, 2021.

Montana Alcohol LawsWhat's Legal and Not Legal, (Webpage). Alcohol Problems and Solutions, 2019, October 6.


North Dakota

Evidence-Based Underage Drinking Prevention Strategies, (Webpage). North Dakota Department of Human Services Prevention Resource and Media Center, 2021.

Preventing Adult Binge Drinking, (Webpage). North Dakota Department of Human Services Prevention Resource and Media Center, 2021.

Speak Volumes, (Campaign). North Dakota Human Services Behavioral Health, 2021.

Parents Lead, (Campaign). North Dakota Human Services & North Dakota Department of Transportation & North Dakota University System, 2021.

Underage Drinking State Profile: North Dakota, (Webpage). NIH NIAAA Alcohol Policy Information System, 2021.

North Dakota State Report: Underage Drinking Prevention and Enforcement Data, (Report). SAMHSA, 2021.



South Dakota

Underage Drinking State Profile: South Dakota, (Webpage). NIH NIAAA Alcohol Policy Information System, 2021.

Prevention Program Strategic Plan, (Document). South Dakota Department of Social Services, 2023.

South Dakota State Report: Underage Drinking Prevention and Enforcement Data, (Report). SAMHSA, 2021.




Legislative Reports: Alcohol Advisory Tracking Reports, (Webpage). Utah Department of Human Services Substance Abuse and Mental Health, 2022.

Underage Drinking State Profile: Utah, (Webpage). NIH NIAAA Alcohol Policy Information System, 2021.

Alcohol Abuse Tracking Committee (AATC) 2019 Report, (Document). Utah Department of Human Services Substance Abuse and Mental Health, July 2019.

Complete Health Indicator Report of Alcohol Consumption - Heavy Drinking, (Webpage). IBIS Utah Department of Health, October 2019.

Utah State Report: Underage Drinking Prevention and Enforcement Data, (Report). SAMHSA, 2021.




Wyoming Department of Health Alcohol Prevention Plan, (Document). Wyoming Department of Health, 2018-2020.

Substance Abuse Prevention Program: Alcohol, (Webpage). Wyoming Department of Health, 2021.

Underage Drinking State Profile: Wyoming, (Webpage). NIH NIAAA Alcohol Policy Information System, 2021.

The Value of Prevention: Potential Cost Savings from Delaying Youth Alcohol Use in Wyoming, (Video). WY Survey & Analysis Center University of Wyoming, 2017.

Environmental Strategies Tool: Alcohol Prevention Strategies, (Webpage). Wyoming Prevention Depot, 2020.

Wyoming State Report: Underage Drinking Prevention and Enforcement Data, (Report). SAMHSA, 2021.




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