The Great Lakes PTTC offers this training for prevention practitioners in HHS Region 5: IL, IN, MI, MN, OH, and WI.
This two-part webinar will provide substance misuse prevention practitioners with an overview of environmental strategies. The series will focus on the importance of environmental strategies and how they differ from individual-focused prevention programs. It will also highlight three categories of environmental strategies: communications, policies, and enforcement.
Part 1 will cover the basics of what environmental strategies are, the benefits and limitations of using them, how they differ from individual-focused strategies, and the communication category of environmental strategies.
Click here to view Introduction to Environmental Strategies Part 1
Part 2 will focus on the policy and enforcement categories of environmental strategies, as well as the resource available to guide the selection and implementation of environmental strategies.
Kris Gabrielsen has worked in the substance abuse prevention field since 1991. She was the Associate Director of the Western Center for the Application of Prevention Technologies (CAPT), co-authored the first Substance Abuse Prevention Specialist Training curriculum, and co-authored the textbook, Substance Abuse Prevention: The Intersection of Science and Practice. She works with states and communities across the nation to bridge the gap between research and practice, assisting prevention professionals in maximizing their effectiveness. Recent work includes development, piloting, and implementation of two Enhanced Prevention Learning Series (EPLS) through the Northwest PTTC and the Pacific Southwest PTTC. The EPLS structure includes cultivating Learning Communities among the participants.