This presentation is the third of a 4-Part series titled: "Institutional Racism and How it Impacts the Latinx Experience as it Relates to Behavioral Health."
The series is co-presented with the National Hispanic and Latino Addition Technology Transfer Center (NHL ATTC) and Mental Health Technology Transfer Center (NHL MHTTC) .
Rosa M. Gil, DSW
Founder, President and CEO @Comunilife, Inc.
Dr. Rosa M. Gil, Comunilife’s Founder, President and CEO, has had a distinguished career in New York City’s health, mental health, supportive housing, social service and higher education sectors. Since Comunilife opened in 1989, she has centered the work on the intersection between health and housing with the goal of addressing the critical social determinants of health and enhancing the health outcomes of New York City’s underserved communities. Comunilife has developed more than 2,177 units of affordable and supportive housing for the hardest to reach residents, the homeless, mentally ill, and people living with HIV/AIDS and other health conditions. Under her leadership, Comunilife created Life is Precious™, a nationally recognized program for Latina teens who have seriously considered or/and attempted suicide and also created the City’s premiere Medical Respite Program.