Self-Paced Online Courses: Demystifying Data: Gathering and Using Local Risk and Protective Factor Data for Prevention

Demystifying Data - Self Paced Courses

Self-Paced Online Courses:

Demystifying Data: Gathering and Using Local Risk and Protective Factor Data for Prevention

Part 1: Gathering Local Risk and Protective Factor Data for Prevention

Part 1 of this two-part online course series will describe the importance of gathering data for community needs assessments and evaluation, including the types of data to collect. Participants will review key risk and protective factors associated with substance use and mental health. The course explores existing data sources, assessment of data gaps, and options for collecting primary data at the local level.  By the end of the course, participants will:

  • Learn about key risk and protective factors to assess at the individual, family, peer, school, and community levels;
  • Identify sources of existing data on risk and protective factors; and
  • Assess strategies for developing a data collection plan to address data gaps at the local level.


Part 2: Using Local Risk and Protective Factor Data for Prevention

During Part 2 of this online course series, participants will learn about data quality and quantity—having enough data and having the right data. The course explores processes for prioritizing risk and protective factors to determine which to address with prevention efforts and shares examples. This course will conclude with recommendations for ongoing monitoring to inform evaluation efforts. At the conclusion of this course, participants will have learned about:

  • Tips for assessing the quality and quantity of the data they’ve gathered to determine readiness for prioritizing and planning;
  • Prioritization processes, including how to format your data; prioritization dimensions to consider, and tips for making the process interactive and engaging, and 
  • The importance of ongoing data gathering and collection efforts in order to evaluate local prevention efforts.


Certificates of Completion available for one hour each upon successfully completing the quiz with 80% or more correct.


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