WFD Series 2: Session 2: Application of the 4 E’s using the Strategic Prevention Framework

This is part 2 of the “4 E’s Learning Lab” series.

Presenters will describe and explore a) how the 4 E’s can be applied in prevention work and b) how the 4 E’s can be implemented throughout the Strategic Prevention Framework.

Learning Objectives:

  • Describe how the 4 E’s intersect with the Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF) 

  • Provide insights into how the 4 E’s can be operationalized within the SPF

  • Network with prevention providers, community coalitions and community partners on how to apply the 4 E’s in their work.

About the Presenters:

Image of presenter Carlton Hall



Carlton Hall is the President and CEO of Carlton Hall Consulting LLC (CHC), a multi-faceted, full-service consulting firm designed to provide customized solutions and enable measurable change for communities, organizations, families, and individuals. Carlton Hall has been providing intensive substance abuse prevention focused and community problem solving services to the nation for the last 25 years. Currently, Carlton and the CHC team provide executive training and technical assistance support to the Southeast PTTC (Region 4)




Image of presenter Dorothy Chaney

Dorothy Chaney is the Founder of Wisconsin Community Health Alliance, an organization committed to supporting coalitions, agencies, and individuals to improve the health of their communities and the environments in which they live. Dorothy is committed to equity in community health and works with communities both nationally and internationally to address health disparities and support the development of local solutions to complex problems. For more than 20 years, Dorothy has worked with community-based coalitions to address the impact of substance use on youth and families. Dorothy has also served on many state level work groups and advisory committees in Wisconsin. Chaney also works with communities to implement collective impact approaches to improve community health.

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