Overcoming Testing Anxiety

test taking

The videos below are designed to help you overcome test-taking anxiety and pass the credentialing exam.

Do you experience excessive worry, fear, difficulty concentrating, procrastination, and other symptoms before and during taking exams? You are NOT alone! Although feeling nervous before an exam is considered normal and tolerable stress and may be energizing or motivational, some people experience test anxiety as debilitating, and as a result, their test scores may not reflect their true knowledge and skills. Fabricia Prado, SSW PTTC consultant, has developed several videos with tips to tackle testing anxiety. As you prepare for the credentialing exam, let these videos boost your readiness by building your resilience and self-competence.


Give Your Test-Taking Abilities a Boost focuses on resources specific to passing the credentialing exam with the purpose of helping you to remember and connect with specific qualities or skills needed to overcome this challenge.



Overcoming Testing Anxiety with 7 Psychological Tools walks you through the seven steps to managing test anxiety.



Grounding with the Five Senses helps you connect to the present and bring your awareness to the now.



Butterfly Hug is a positive resource used for calming and relaxing.




January 11, 2023
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