Needs Assessment Parts 1 & 2
Part 1: February 19, 2020
Part 2: February 26, 2020
Conducting a needs assessment is a crucial element of the Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF) and an integral part of a successful prevention planning process. This two-part webinar series explores Community Needs Assessments in the context of prevention planning, discuss challenges inherent to conducting a community assessment, and strategies for maximizing impact.
Key Webinar Features
Jessica Goldberg – is a training and technical assistance specialist with nearly a decade of supporting prevention efforts at the national, state, regional and local levels, as well as an accomplished designer and deliverer of in-person and virtual trainings that address topics ranging from collaboration across health sectors to identifying and addressing health disparities. Her past experience includes serving as a community health specialist with the Massachusetts state technical assistance system, supporting communities in needs assessment, strategic planning and creating logic models to guide change efforts, and then with the Center for the Application for Prevention Technologies or CAPT, and now with the PTTC, where she works closely with states and community coalitions to adopt and apply data-driven prevention planning processes and implement evidence-based and promising prevention practices.
Shai Fuxman, EdD – is a senior research scientist at EDC. Shai has extensive experience in social and emotional learning, youth development, school-based trauma-informed care, and substance misuse prevention. He also has expertise in program evaluation, cultural competence, and quantitative and qualitative research. Shai holds an M.Ed. and Ed.D. in Human Development and Psychology from Harvard University.
Cory Morton – is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Social Work at the University of New Hampshire. His research investigates the community context of substance use—whether structural features of neighborhoods, such as access to substance use services lessen substance related harms. Cory’s role on the PTTC is to coordinate the special focus on geospatial applications, providing webinars and technical assistance on using mapping to determine community need or to evidence change.
Part 1:
Part 2:
Supplemental Materials: