The Great Lakes PTTC is committed to helping the substance misuse prevention workforce to understand its role in harm reduction efforts. The following are resources and tools to assist preventionists in understanding harm reduction and how prevention can best enhance harm reductions efforts in their local communities.
What Is Harm Reduction?
- Recording - Understanding Prevention’s Role in Harm Reduction
- Video: What is Harm Reduction? (National Institute on Drug Abuse)
Harm reduction is defined as interventions aimed to help people avoid negative effects of drug use, but many understand harm reduction as a way to meet people where they are with kindness and respect. In this video, we hear from people who use drugs, people who are in recovery, and harm reduction professionals on what harm reduction is (and isn’t) in their own words.
- Video: Harm Reduction 101 (Harm Reduction Action Center)
What is harm reduction? Harm reduction is a public health philosophy and intervention that seeks to reduce the harms associated with drug use and ineffective drug policies.
- Webinar series: Intersection of Prevention, Recovery, and Harm Reduction - Part 1 Part 2
The Peer Recovery Center of Excellence collaborated with the Prevention Technology Transfer Center to host two webinars around the intersection of prevention, recovery, and harm reduction.
What Is the Link Between Prevention and Harm Reduction?
Taking Action
Resources on Harm Reduction in the Great Lakes Region
- Illinois
- Indiana
- Ohio
- Michigan
- Minnesota
- Wisconsin
- Multi-state