Part I – Gathering Data. During this first webinar in the two-part series, we will talk about the importance of gathering data for assessment and evaluation and describe the types of data to gather. Key risk and protective factors associated with substance use and mental health will be discussed. We will explore existing sources of data, assessment of data gaps, and options for collecting primary data at the local level.
By the end of the webinar, participants will:
1. Learn about key risk and protective factors to assess at the individual, family, peer, school, and community levels;
2. Identify sources of existing data on risk and protective factors; and
3. Assess strategies for developing a data collection plan in order to address data gaps at the local level.
Melissa Adolfson, MS, is a Research Scientist with the Amherst H. Wilder Foundation. In this role, she provides research and evaluation services for clients addressing substance use, mental health, and community safety and connectivity. This work includes evaluating the efforts of six Drug Free Community grantees in Minnesota as well as Minnesota’s Partnership for Success and SPF Rx efforts. She has more than a decade of experience working with government and non-profit agencies at the local, state, tribal, and federal levels to collect, analyze, interpret, disseminate, and use data for prevention efforts.