Webinar: Health Equity in Prevention Part 1: A Definition in Rural and Remote Communities

Health Equity in Prevention Part 1: A Definition in Rural and Remote Communities


September 3, 2020


Webinar Description

Health equity is a prominent topic in the field of public health, but what is it, really, and how does it relate to and intersect with prevention in rural and remote communities? This session will define health equity and explore it as it relates to racial inequity and justice in rural and remote communities. Note that we will be utilizing breakout sessions in this webinar! The webinar will highlight how prevention practitioners can integrate these concepts into the shared risk and protective factors theory and the social determinants of health to understand how health equity relates to the field of prevention. 



  • Define health equity, and understand it as a layer of racial equity.
  • Integrate the concept of equity into the shared risk and protective factors theory and social determinants of health model.
  • Identify the key components of an embodied health equity practice to impact health equity positively.



Ona Crow, MSW, CPSIIOna Crow, MSW, CPSII, serves primarily on OMNI’s Statewide Training and Technical Assistance Project, which provides customized training and technical assistance in needs assessment, capacity building, planning, implementation, and evaluation of evidence-based prevention programs, policies, and practices to organizations and communities in Western Colorado. Ona also supports additional projects related to equity, food access, organizational development and planning, and more. Prior to joining OMNI, Ms. Crow facilitated the development of an organizational Inclusivity Blueprint, a strategy for organizational development to increase inclusivity. Lately, Ms. Crow has been engaging in continued learning around the Othering and Belonging Model.  Overall, Ms. Crow brings an equity lens to all her work.




Ailala Kay, MAAilala Kay, MA, is the Learning and Development Director at OMNI where she has worked since 2004. Ms. Kay brings over 15 of experience developing, leading and managing statewide capacity building projects with a team of regionally based, remote staff to implement consistent high-quality services while allowing for the flexibility needed to be responsive to areas of health equity, culture, and other needs of each community. For over ten years she has served as lead and oversight for Colorado's Statewide Substance Use Prevention Technical Assistance and Training Project, administered by OMNI Institute. Ms. Kay has extensive expertise working with organizations and coalitions, broadly focused on community health, substance use prevention and behavioral health. Ms. Kay is a certified Substance Use Prevention Specialist (SAPST), Trainer.





Panel of Community Practitioners: Prevention practitioners representing rural and remote communities in the Northwest Region will join the presenters to share their insights on how health equity and rurality intersect in prevention and how these concepts are operationalized at the community level.


Webinar Recording

View Webinar


Webinar Slides & Handout Packet

Webinar Slides - Health Equity in Prevention Part 1: A Definition in Rural and Remote Communities

Webinar Handout Packet - Health Equity in Prevention Part 1


Additional Resources

OMNI Institute Website

The myth of race, debunked in 3 minutes - Youtube Video



Contact Ona Crow, MSW, CPSII ([email protected]) or Ailala Kay, MA, ([email protected]) if you have additional questions about the content related to this webinar.


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