Listening Sessions Summary: COVID-19’s Impact on Prevention Practitioners

In response to new challenges experienced by the prevention workforce resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic, the Pacific Southwest Prevention Technology Transfer Center (PTTC) facilitated four listening sessions over video conference with 111 prevention practitioners joining. Listening sessions were conducted at various times throughout the day on April 15, 16, 21, and 22. Participants represented Arizona, California, Guam, Hawaii, Nevada, and the Republic of the Marshall Islands, as well as a few participants from outside of the Pacific Southwest region.

The listening sessions opened up a conversation about the specific challenges practitioners are facing with doing their work in prevention; what training and resources the PTTC could provide to address these challenges; and where are they finding new opportunities for their work. During the listening sessions, spontaneous peer-sharing and crowdsourcing of resources naturally occurred. This document briefly summarizes the conversations held across these four sessions and includes various links to resources as they relate to various topics that emerged during these conversations.

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