Navigating the Green Wave: Strategies for Local Response to Cannabis Legalization


As cannabis laws continue to evolve across the country, prevention professionals and community stakeholders are faced with new challenges and opportunities in addressing youth substance use and promoting public health. In this recording, we explore practical strategies and best practices for responding to cannabis legalization at the grassroots level. From community education and policy advocacy to youth prevention programs and enforcement efforts, this training provides valuable insights and actionable steps for effectively addressing the impact of cannabis legalization on their communities. 

Select View Resource to watch the recording. Below are the training materials.


Mariah Flynn is a Certified Prevention Specialist who has worked in the substance misuse field in Vermont for 23+ years as a counselor, a case manager, and for the last 16 years as the Director of the Burlington Partnership for a Healthy Community, a substance misuse prevention coalition serving Burlington, Vermont. She is a founding member of Prevention Works! Vermont, the Chittenden Prevention Network, and the Northwest Regional Prevention Network; statewide and regional efforts to coordinate substance use prevention resources and strategies for the areas, and she serves on the Steering Committee of Prevention Works! VT. Mariah also previously served as the Coordinator of the Tobacco Free College Campus Initiative for the state of Vermont and the Co-Chair of Smart Approaches to Marijuana-Vermont. She completed two Fellowships with the New England Prevention Technology Transfer Center to develop a toolkit for Vermont prevention professionals and communities working on cannabis related policy improvement to use to help support prevention and public health at a community level. In addition to spending as much time with her two teenagers as they will let her, Mariah is also passionate about building communities that provide youth and families with the skills and environment that supports healthy choices.



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