Protecting the Adolescent Brain


Protecting the Adolescent Brain
It is generally well known that the human brain does not fully develop until a person's mid-20s, which is why it's so important to consider the influence that the use of substances can have on the developing brain. Because the brains of adolescents are still developing, the use of substances such as alcohol may have more detrimental effects compared to adult brains. Alcohol and the use of other substances among adolescents and young adults may cause disruption to the developing brain including impacting memory, motor skills, coordination and problem-solving skills, which can lead to difficulties in school performance, relationships with others and overall wellbeing.

Video Transcript


For more information, please enroll in our eLearning course, Introduction to Adolescent SBIRT from a Prevention Perspective on


The Introduction to Adolescent SBIRT from a Prevention Perspective e-learning course provides an overview of the Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) protocol for use with adolescents (ages 9 to 22). The content of this e-learning course was designed for prevention professionals, school personnel, social workers, addictions counselors, and other non-medical professionals working with adolescents and young adults, in HHS Region 8. Professionals working and residing outside of HHS Region 8 states are welcome to take this course, however, the data sections in the course are specific to HHS Region 8 states (CO, MT, ND, SD, UT, WY).


Other resources from the Introduction to Adolescent SBIRT from a Prevention Perspective e-learning course 


Conducting SBIRT Virtually


Short Videos: 

SBIRT Research with Adolescents

Why SBIRT is Important

Referral to Treatment

SBIRT Implementation

Conducting SBIRT Virtually




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