Recorded Webinars

The Mountain Plains Prevention Technology Transfer Center (PTTC) has a variety of recorded webinars available 24/7 for your convenience.

For information about certificates and continuing education, please click here.

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3-Part Webinar Series: An Update of Adolescent Vaping Prevention: Prevalence, Adverse Behavioral Health Effects, and Prevention Practices

Part 1: Adolescent Vaping: Prevalence, Why, and What

Part 2: Vaping and Adolescent Behavioral Health: Understanding the Relationship Between the Two

Part 3: Vaping Prevention and Interventions in Schools





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3-Part Webinar Series: Improving Workforce Retention in the Substance Misuse Prevention Field

1. Part 1: Prevention Career Roadmap, May 2023

2.  Part 2: What Makes Them Stay? Help Write the Playbook for Prevention Workforce Retention, May 2023

3. Part 3: The Soul of Prevention - Identifying and Communicating the Spirit of Your Work, June 2023






Adolescent Dev 2 Square

Using Adolescent Development to Inform Prevention Practice: Brain and Behavior

(To receive a certificate please view the course on HealtheKnowledge)

Using Adolescent Development to Inform Prevention Practice: Brain and Behavior









Cannabis Square

3-Part Cannabis Webinar Series

1. Part 1: Considerations for Cannabis Legalization in Your State

2.  Cannabis: New Conversations for Changing Times

3. Recent Science on Cannabis and a Changing Legal Climate: Opportunities for Prevention and Public Health Messaging






Social Norms Square

Social Norms 3-Part Webinar Series: Using the Science of the Positive to Increase Your Community Impact

1. An Introduction to the Science of the Positive

2. Introduction to Positive Community Norms 

3. Applying the Science of the Positive in Strategic Communications






Prevention Practices Square


Prevention Practices that WORK!

Prevention Practices that WORK! For Prevention Professionals in Region 8 States (CO, MT, ND, SD, UT, WY)









Self Care Square

Self-Care in a Selfless Field

(To receive a certificate please view the course on HealtheKnowledge)

Self-Care in a Selfless Field









Virtual Settings

Supporting Prevention Efforts Through Virtual Settings (2-Part Webinar Series)

1. Understanding How to Leverage Telehealth Technology for Prevention Services

2.  Legal and Ethical Considerations for Telehealth Prevention








Suicide Prevention

Suicide Prevention Across the Educational Continuum (6-Part Webinar Series)

(To receive a certificate please view the course on HealtheKnowledge)

1. Suicide Assessment and Response for K-12 Populations

2. World Class Resources to Discover Genetic Risks for Suicide Death

3. School-Based Suicide Prevention Interventions for K-12 Population

4. Crisis Response Planning for Suicidal Patients: An Introduction

5. Suicide Interventions and Response for Youth Experiencing Serious Emotional Disturbance (SED)

6. Suicide Prevention and Intervention for Transition Age Youth 


Grow Your Knowledge Square

Grow Your Knowledge: Cannabis Prevention and Policy (2-Part Webinar Series)

1. Cannabis Prevention Policy: Planning and Implementation

2. Cannabis Laws/Policies: Federal and Regional Update and Using SPF and Prevention Science to Inform Policy







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V-TECH Meet the Experts

1. Emerging Issues Around Vaping






Prevention Along Continuum

Scope of Prevention 5-Part Webinar Series: Prevention Along the Continuum of Care

1. Universal Community and School-Based Prevention Interventions

2. Selective and Indicated School-Based Prevention Interventions for Students in Secondary Schools

3. Prevention Relapse by Providing Comprehensive Oral Health Care with Substance Use Disorder Treatment

4. Mamas, Munchkins, and Methamphetamine: Evidence-Based Prevention Interventions for Pregnant Women Using Stimulants

5. Tips to Successfully Implement a Prevention Media Campaign to Modify Health Behavior





Informing Prevention

Informing Prevention 6-Part Webinar Series on Adolescents 

(To receive a certificate please view the course on HealtheKnowledge)

1. Understanding Adolescent Development, March 2019

2. Effectively Engaging Adolescents in Interventions, April 2019

3. The Effective Use of Epidemiological Data, April 2019

4.  Effectively Using Technology for School-Based Prevention, April 2019

5. The Effects of Drug Use, Such as Marijuana, on Adolescent Brain Development, May 2019

6. Vaping Among Adolescents - What We Know and What We Don't, June 2019



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