SBIRT Research with Adolescents
Most of the research examining and validating components of the SBIRT model have been conducted with adult populations. However, the US Preventive Services Task Force recommends that screening and brief intervention be a routine practice with individuals aged 18 and older. The American Academy of Pediatrics, other professional medical associations, and several government agencies recommend incorporating screening and brief intervention as a routine practice; and when necessary, referral to treatment. Despite a developing literature base for adolescent SBIRT, we still need to provide adolescents with the best possible care which includes asking screening questions.
Video Transcript
The Introduction to Adolescent SBIRT from a Prevention Perspective e-learning course provides an overview of the Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) protocol for use with adolescents (ages 9 to 22). The content of this e-learning course was designed for prevention professionals, school personnel, social workers, addictions counselors, and other non-medical professionals working with adolescents and young adults, in HHS Region 8. Professionals working and residing outside of HHS Region 8 states are welcome to take this course, however, the data sections in the course are specific to HHS Region 8 states (CO, MT, ND, SD, UT, WY).
Other resources from the Introduction to Adolescent SBIRT from a Prevention Perspective e-learning course
Conducting SBIRT Virtually
Short Videos:
Protecting the Adolescent Brain
Why SBIRT is Important
Referral to Treatment
SBIRT Implementation
Conducting SBIRT Virtually